So, this morning I was on the phone with the previously considered other half of the
Siamese conjoined twin that together we are/were/are. Quite a tightly wound
Siamese conjoined twin, though I think she's more so. Of course that's my objective take on it, and it has to be truth.
She was mentioning to me about a person who her cat has immediately taken a shining to. So, immediately I began to protest. How did this other person get a pass into Jethro's life? I've been around longer and have never been taught the secret handshake. This girl comes from out of nowhere and suddenly he's winding himself through her legs and later falling asleep in her lap. Bitch, please!
In the course of our conversation and a possibly upcoming short term transfer for her out of the country, this looks like a good thing that her cat has come under the spell of this "siren", I will dignify her only with that term. Perhaps this is a good thing. When my friend went on to say that they had similar approaches to energy consumption in the house and coping mechanisms, I could see the writing on the wall.
For a long time she has joked that when we grow old, we'll move in together and rejoin our previously separated Margaret and Isabelle activities: providing running commentary of why things are not up to our approval and why are people so stupid, and it's a curse to be smart. Why could we not be just dumb and happy instead? I don't know if there will be similar geriatric males in our lives or not; that part of the dream has never quite gelled.
But, when she said she got in this siren's car and it was immaculate, I saw what was happening. No need to spell it out for me. Ole Isabelle is not as slow as you think. She might be short and dumpy but she's spry.
"I realize I'm particular...." started the sentence with howling laughter ensuing.
The use of the word
particular in this context in the most constructive form means
exceptionally selective, attentive, or exacting. In the South, there would be no need to consult a dictionary, but I do this for my other friends in case it's "indigenous to the region" as someone else often says.
And to find that this Johnnie come lately, this
siren, has higher standards than my
Siamese conjoined twin when it comes to the thermostat setting. What can I say? I know when I'm beat.